Does Your Choice of modular Office Furniture Affect Corporate Culture

Corporate culture is a way of life for any company, and choosing the right furniture for your office space can greatly affect it. See what some experts have to say about the effects modular office furniture can have on your business. Is office furniture modular? There is a growing trend in the world of business to modularize offices. Modular offices are those in which each individual office is divided into separate, self-contained units. This allows for greater flexibility and efficiency when it comes to working, as well as more individualized and customized work environments. Many believe that modular offices foster a more collaborative and collective work environment. They also suggest that they are more cost effective, since less furniture is required overall. However, there are some who argue that a modular office can actually have a negative impact on corporate culture. One concern is that employees may feel isolated and separable from one another. In fact, some studies have show...